What is iridology?
Iridology is study of the iris, by looking at the fibres, colour of the iris u can determine the persons constitution, which is any genetic inherited potential strengths and weakness in the body.
How can it be beneficial?
By working out someone’s constitution they can then be advised on certain dietary requirements and life style habits, which will benefit them and help them to lead a healthy life.
How is it done?
By looking in the eye with a magnifying glass and bright light, so the iris can be clearly seen, an iridologyist is looking at the coloured part of the iris, not the back of the eye where the optic nerve is. Sometimes a photo can be taken and blown up on a computer so the client can see as well.
Who practises iridology?
Iridology is becoming more popular, with a lot more therapist realising the benefits of it and including it into there treatments, a lot of doctors in Russia use this technique to diagnose illness,although if your not a doctor your not allowed to diagnose.
Why do I find it usefull?
Because i feel it works really well with colonics, i can see how distended the bowel is, what water temp to use, weather the lymphatic system is blocked, work out what some ones personality traits are, there for knowing how to speak to them, and advising certain foods and lifestyle changes.
Iridology is a very interesting technique that has been around for hundreds of years, my clients are allways impressed with how much I can work out about them, just from looking in there eyes!