Professional Sports Massage in Hastings
What is it?
Deep tissue manipulation (sports massage) is when massage strokes are used to go into the deep muscles to release built up scar tissue and knots that prohibit the muscle from being able to work properly. Knots, adhesions and scar tissue shorten the muscle and are often the main source of referred pain.
Does it hurt?
Yes. If there is a problem with the muscle then it will hurt. Trigger points are used to ‘de-spasm’ muscles in order to get to the cause of the pain. A lot of my clients say they feel its ‘a good pain’.
Who would benefit?
People who are into sports or people who sit all day. You don’t need to be an athlete to benefit from this type of massage.
How does it help?
Deep tissue massage helps with sprains and strains, aches, deep nagging pains, tension and discomfort. It can help elminate headaches, improve sleep and reduce stress. It helps athletes improve recovery time and give less chance of re-injury. It reduces swelling and encourages muscle repair.